It's been awhile! I have exciting news (which most of you already know). I'm pregnant! I'm officially 18 weeks tomorrow. We are due on July 25, 2010. The first trimester was really tough, but I've moved into a good place...for now at least :-) We are excited to find out the sex, but have to wait a long 4 weeks to find out. Mike is crossing his fingers for a boy and I just want him/her to be healthy. I'll be blogging more about my pregnancy journey and all the fun details that come along with it. I've been eating up a storm, but still working out so that I don't turn into a blimp ;-). Sadly, no running for me, but after Lil' G is born, hopefully I can get back into that routine. The dogs have definitely sensed that something is up...they are super cuddly with me lately. It's crazy how dogs have that 6th sense about them.
Cheers to Lil' baby Garcia!