It's summer and I need a vacation! The kind where I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, waves at low-tide and trees swaying with the slight breeze. Where time stands still. Sun lotion and a swimming suit will be the attire for the day. A mimosa and a plate of fresh fruit will be waiting by the lounge chair with the optional umbrella overhang. I bring along a great book or a juicy gossip magazine and oh, don't forget the sunglasses. Weather forecast for the week will be 80 degrees with a chance for light rain showers in the evening. I'm there...are you?
Sweetie - that BS you wrote about not being a good writer is just that...BS. Although the world requires we writers to use correct grammar and so forth...your writing has a quality that few are able to capture. You connect with your audience. I'm anxious to see your additional thoughts as time goes on. Love you.
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