Monday, August 17, 2009

A new season, a new class

This week marks the end of my Craft of Writing and Contemporary Math classes. Moving on next week to The Effective Classroom and Children's and Adolescent Lit. In the syllabus for the lit class, it mentions that I will be reading and evaluating over 60 children's books! This is gonna be fun. I've already added a bookshelf to my blog, and now it will be stocked full of reviews and recommendations for great books to read to kids. One of my favorites last year was Bad Dog, Marley! adapted from Marley & Me, written by John Grogan. Stay tuned, and checkout my shelf located on the right side of this post section titled, "Good Reads".


Unknown said...

I'm always looking for books for my grandkids. I'll have to keep an eye on your blog!

Just stopping by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same.

BTW, I happen to be a retired high school teacher.

Kelly said...

I love children's books! Can't wait until I actually have kids, so I will finally have a good excuse to buy them! :)

Ronnica said...

How fun! I always love children's books. Okay, I love books in general!

Sandy said...

We love to read around here!

Welcome to SITS! It's great to have you in our community!

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